Update on the Geep – Sheep Goat Hybrid Born March 2014

The return of the geep: two years on

By Amy McShane on 29 January 2016
The geep is now two years old.
Born to a Cheviot ewe in March 2014, see below for original story.

‘It’s been almost two years on from the birth of the sheep-goat hybrid.

‘ A farm in Kildare is home to the geep, who was born in March 2014. Owner of the farm Paddy Murphy said at the time that “it had all the hallmarks of a goat. He looks like a goat trapped in a lamb’s body.””

Source: https://www.farmersjournal.ie/the-return-of-the-geep-two-years-on-199305

Geep: Rare ‘goat-sheep’ born on Irish farm (4 April 2014)

The ewe and her geep
The lamb-kid looks quite different from the adult!
Farmer Paddy Murphy and his unnamed 'geep'
‘ The sheep farmer, who also owns Murphy’s pub in Ballymore Eustace, County Kildare, spoke to the journal in a interview headlined: Ewe gotta be kidding.

“I’ve never seem anything like him before,” he told the Irish Farmers Journal, adding that his family had been involved in sheep farming for “generations”.


Mr Murphy confirmed that the geep appeared to be healthy and “thriving” and was able to run faster than other lambs that were born around the same time.

“He’s unbelievable,” he said. “He’s so fast you’d have to get him into the pen to catch him. There’s no chance you would catch him otherwise.” ‘

Source:  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26870598


A New Breed of Opera Diva: Sheep

How do you cast and direct an avant-garde opera starring 100 sheep in New York City — in the middle of lambing season, no less?

Source: A New Breed of Opera Diva: Sheep

I posted the request for 100 sheep to our local group, the Garden State Sheep Breeders (GSSB), but thought they would have a hard time finding that many sheep willing to commute.  Due to the cost of land in NJ and eastern PA most farmers in this area don’t have as many as 100 sheep.  In addition the health requirements for bringing animals across state lines and into NY are expensive to meet.  All animals must be inspected by a Vet and have a current rabies shot at a minimum. Think how much that would cost for 100 sheep!  Not to mention the cost of transportation and housing.  Additionally they could not be ready to lamb or have just lambed due to the potential for spreading Scrapies and this is the normal lambing season.  Still I’m glad that Twin Brook Farm decided to go ahead with it as I’m sure it was an amazing sight.  Only out West on a ranch would you typically get to see so many sheep together.  It would be quite the experience  for a city dweller, one that a small farmer would appreciate as well!

Weaving Samplers

I’ve been weaving some samplers to explore techniques.  Since my working looms are rigid heddle looms (a Mirrix tapestry loom and an Inkle loom) I’m focusing on using only two sheds.  More intricate things can be done on these simple looms by adding pickup sticks but my poor vision makes me prone to threading mistakes so I’m working on getting the most out of simple methods.   The sampler below explores color and weave.  The patterns that can be created are nearly endless and use plain weave!  The trick is in threading the warp with a color sequence and then following the same for the weft.


Color and Weave Sampler

Color and Weave Sampler in Progress

I used green and white 100% wool mill ends at 10 ends per inch (epi).  The warp was threaded as follows (left to right in photo):

20 ends white, 1 green 1 white 10 times (20 ends total), 2 green 2 white 5 times (20 ends total), 1 green 2 white 7 times (21 ends total), 1 green 3 white 5 times (20 ends).  I also added 2 warp rows of green on each end for a selvage.

The weft followed the same pattern:

20 picks white,

20 picks total of 1 white and 1 green alternating,

20 picks total of 2 green followed by 2 white alternating,

21 picks total of 1 green followed by 2 white,

20 picks total of 1 green followed by 3 white.

This produces 25 blocks of patterns (5 wide x 5 high).

Initially I had a difficult time getting a good shed but after about 4 inches of weaving it finally started behaving.  Wool is ‘sticky’ so it is tricky to use with a small epi in both warp and weft.  Also, the green was not as strong as I would have liked so it was difficult to get good even tension across the warp.  I made a few mistakes (!) but it will make a great reference for future weavings.  I finished it using twisted fringes, the first time I have ever used this method.  I bought a very economical fringe twister from Fiber Artist Supply.  It made the job go quickly and it would have been difficult for me to do by hand due to my arthritis.

Color and Weave Sampler Off the Loom

Color and Weave Sampler Off the Loom


In order to use up the rest of the warp on the loom (ie- not waste all that yarn and effort!) I created a Ghiordes knotted mini rug using BFL, Coopworth and Shetland fleece locks.

Ghordes Knotted Sampler Rug

Ghiordes Knotted Mini Rug

It is done with all natural colors and so luxurious feeling.  The length of the locks was quite different so the pile length varies.  I did some trimming to remove “split ends” as I went along.  The edges have 2 plain weave selvedges to keep the rug laying flat and there are 4 plain weave rows between knots of the shorter BFL and shetland locks (~2 inches), 8 plain weave rows between the much longer coopworth locks (~6 inches).  The most time intensive part of the project selecting evenly sized locks from the fleece and organizing them to be pulled up quickly while weaving.  I’ll definitely do more of these on a larger scale.  Just need to develop a design.  One more item for the to do list!

Runaway Scottish Piglet Adopts Neighbor’s Sheep

In Scotland, “a runaway pet pig named Babe who thinks she is a sheep has set up home with a fleecy flock next door – evading capture for almost two weeks. Little Babe fled from her new home just moments after her owners’ trailer parked up at the smallholding they’d just moved to. This little piggy does not want to go home, living a life “on the lam with the sheep in a neighboring field, despite capture attempts by her owners.”  Read the full story and short video at the Telegraph.


11-week old Babe, who thinks she is a sheep, hanging out with sheep and lambs on Miefield Farm, Twynholm, Dumfrieshire (Photo: SWNS)  – included in the Telegraph article (By , 4:35PM GMT 17 Mar 2016).


2016 Shetland Wool Week Free Pattern

It’s available!

The official Shetland Wool Week 2016 hat pattern is being launched today (March 18 2016) at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival. You can get a PDF version of the current Shetland Wool Week pattern from the Shetland Wool Week website. You’ll need to enter your name and email to receive a copy of the pattern.
NOTE:  this pattern is no longer available free on the Shetland Wool Week website – the current pattern is available for about a year and is then replaced by the new pattern.  You can purchase the 2016 pattern on Ravelry.
This year’s pattern is called ‘Crofthoose’ and it has been
exclusively designed by Ella Gordon, the patron for 2016.
Ella Gordon said: ‘I have always loved the little crofthouses you see dotted all over Shetland. I am known for making cushions in the shape of traditional crofthouses and my design for 2016 is another use of my favourite motif. My hat is a great introduction to Shetland inspired colourwork using traditional skills and a contemporary pattern.’

Shetland Wool Week

Addicted to Sheep

Would love to see the movie Addicted to Sheep.    Not often there’s a move about a small family sheep farm not to mention that they keep Swaledale sheep!!!  Love the look of Swaledales with their black mask.  Here’s the synopsis:
“In the North Pennines, tenant farmers Tom and Kay spend their days looking after their flock of prized sheep, and hoping that this will be the year they breed the perfect one. Director Magali Pettier, herself a farmer’s daughter, follows a year in their lives, capturing both the stark, stunning beauty of the landscape, and the brutally hard graft it takes just to survive. Their three children are growing up close to the land, attending a school entirely comprised of farmers’ children, thoroughly immersed in their remote rural world. As the seasons change the couple help birth, groom, nurture and sell their sheep – even when the odds often seems stacked against them. A treat for the senses, Addicted to Sheep allows us to experience life on a hill farm – without having to get mucked in ourselves. – Carol Nahra – See more at: https://www.addictedtosheep.com/home/aboutthefilm/#sthash.s6SqcBlR.dpuf”  Copied from the film’s website.
Here’s the trailer and the blog.
If you want to know more about Swaledale sheep take a look at the association web site.
The are a local breed so not often seen out of the Swaledale area (Yorkshire, England). They are beautiful and well adapted to living in a rough environment.

Photo: Kreuzschnabel/ Wikimedia Commons, Licence



Tiny, an under sized 3 year old Australorp hen,  has been under the weather so I brought her in for some TLC.  She is only 2 pounds 9 ounces!  Jasper is enjoying the new play friend and is being respectful, watching her intently but no prodding.  Can’t say the same for her dry food as he keeps sticking his paws into her cage and extracting food from the dish.  She is loving the shredded carrots, apples and small bits of bread in a Greek yogurt base I made for her.  Photo below show signs of a recent yogurt snack on her beak and feathers!

Tiny, Australorp Hen

Tiny, Australorp Hen

Not sure how things will turn out as she was always under sized and last year spent a few weeks in the house with an impacted crop.   Often with under sized animals their organs can’t support them long term as they haven’t developed properly.  It’s nearly always heart breaking as these are the animals that have the sweetest nature, as if it is their defense plan to get the extra help they need to survive. She is the sweetest thing, allowing me to pick her up and do anything to her without a complaint or attempt to escape.  She takes blow drying her after washing off a poopy rear end in stride as if every chicken receives these beauty treatments on a regular basis.

The other hens were literally walking over (on) her and she wasn’t moving around much.  It has also been quite cold this last week (3 degrees on Sunday), so I felt it was time for an intervention.  She likes to perch on her food dish so I’m swapping out an empty one after I feed her.  She’s also sleeping a lot but when I take her out for some fresh air she runs around for at least 30 minutes before settling down and looking like she needs to come in out of the cold.  She’s unusually thirsty so I’m wondering if it’s kidney failure.  I’ve put her in front of the patio windows so she can watch the wild bird activity at the bird feeder.

Feb. 22 Update:  Tiny stopped eating after feeding herself a good breakfast on Feb. 21, passing away during the evening/early morning Feb. 21-22.  She had picked up a few ounces but was only 2 pounds 12 oz. when she passed.   In these situations I always wonder if there was more that I could have done.  Sadly none of us is all knowing and I did the best I could do for her.  She appeared to enjoy life up to the end without complaint or bad temper and peacefully drifted off to sleep.  A good lesson on aging and passing for all of us.

30 Inch Snow Storm

After a warm Fall and early Winter painting, installing pavers and digging drainage ditches which I hadn’t gotten to during the Summer, Mother Nature sent a whopper of a snowstorm to keep things interesting.

In mid-December I had tried to start the snow blower bought towards the end of last March and only used twice, but it wouldn’t start.  Since it was still under warranty, I had it picked up and repaired.  The snow blower wouldn’t start because a wasp nest completely filled the carburetor!   Surprised and yet not (since wasps build nests everywhere here, including in the door hinges of vehicles if they are parked outside), at least I was prepared one day ahead of the snow storm.

It snowed for over 24 hours (Jan. 23-24), and at times the snow fall rate was over 2 inches per hour.  Despite the awesome snow blower (24 inches high and 30 inches wide), I had to do the driveway and animal paths twice because of the large amount of snow piling up. By 6AM Saturday morning there was already over a foot of snow in the driveway.  It was perfect snow, light and fluffy and easy to shovel. Usually the snow here is wet and very heavy so it was a delight to be out in this gorgeous snow. Good thing since it took days to get everything cleared!  It was also good luck that the wind wasn’t nearly as bad as originally predicted since the snow fall amount was much greater than predicted.

The driveway itself only took 4 hours (two hours each time). Since there are a lot of small buildings (run in shelters, hen houses, hay shed, hay feeders, etc.) it takes a lot of time to clear the roofs so they don’t collapse under a large snowfall and some areas have to be hand shoveled.  As a precaution I had packed the hay feeders with hay in advance so I wouldn’t need to move hay up to the barn or run in shelters for several days.

James in Snow Chasm

James on the Way to the Hay Feeder


Jessie at Hay Feeder

Jessie at the Hay Feeder

After spending over 8 hours getting the snow cleared on Saturday, the whole job had to be done again on Sunday as if nothing had been done.  By the time the driveway was done the first time, there was already over a foot re-accumulated in the “clean” driveway.  All day Monday and Tuesday were spent moving piles from areas that had to be hand dug as the snow only throws so far and making some of the paths wider.  Quite a nice view standing on the wether’s shelter and tossing snow off the roof as far as it would go.

The whole farm is on a slope that runs down to the pond and creeks so drainage is always an issue once the snow melts.  This snow storm was perfect, with sunny days and close to freezing temps so that the snow mostly sublimed rather than melting and creating ice every day.  Of course it came to an end with 2 inches of rain a week later, turning the whole farm into mud with the consistency of quick sand.


TyeDye in Snow Chasm

TyDye Going to the Barn in Snow Chasm


TyDye EAting Grass in the Snow

TyDye Eating Grass Through the Snow

None of the animals like snow removal implements of any kind, neither human nor machine powered but approve of the end result.  When the snow is this deep they wait for paths to be dug for them. This snow was a good 4 inches above my knee and thus exhausting for me to walk in it.  I can only imagine how hard it would be for a shorter animal such as the goats or for deer.  The chickens don’t like snow but will go out in it for short periods of time if it’s not very deep.  Like the goats and sheep they will eat snow to get a quick “drink” while they are out and about.  I bring my animals warm water several times a day as I think it’s better for them to drink water that’s closer to body temperature when the outside temperature is cold.  They do appreciate it and will drink large amounts of warm water.

Rabbits raced through the paths and at times they would jump out and skim across the snow with their built-in snow shoe feet while all the other local wildlife were in hiding for several days.